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Safety and Preparation in Montana's Outdoors

River floating in East Missoula

"Ahh, the great outdoors!" No matter where your Montana journey takes you, nor how high you climb, how far you paddle or bicycle, nor how long you bask in the sun on Montana's riverbanks, there are always safety concerns to consider! For example: we have bears--both black bears and "grizzlies"! Bear spray, said to be the number one deterrent for bear attacks, can be found in many local sporting goods stores around Missoula. Pick up a can "just in case", especially if you are heading out into the backcountry or any area bears are known to frequent. In addition to local wildlife, summers can be hot and sunny, and at these higher elevations, sun protection is key! Stay hydrated, too, and be cognizant of signs of heat stroke. Frequent weather changes also accompany mountain terrain, so keep an eye on the sky! For other safety tips, visit Montana State Parks website:, and consider your surroundings and/or physical limitations. Now, go have fun!!

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